


iOS How to solve the build error related with "CommonCrypto" on Xcode10

Introduction This article shows how to solve the build error related with "CommonCrypto" on Xcode10. After updating the Xcode to version10, I faced on the error messages as below. The CommonCrypto was imported by cocoapods in my case. Rede…

How to connect to localhost on Mac from iPhone

Introduction This article shows how to connect to localhost on Mac from iPhone and some tips. Conditions Mac and iPhone is on the same network. How to connect it Set up the localhost server on a mac Confirm the access to the "localhost:{Po…


English version below https://hopita.hatenablog.com/entry/2018/09/30/154646?_ga=2.108892930.1252126168.1538288528-147310722.1524970173 はじめに Macでテスト用サーバーを立ててiPhoneから簡易的に試したいときのTipsです。 前提 MacとiPhoneは同一…