


iOS How to solve the black screen when a modal view was dismissed with custom animation.

Introduction This article shows how to solve the black screen when a modal view was dismissed with custom animation. When I tried to set an present and modal animation when a modal view was appeared and disappeared. Though the present anim…

iOS UIViewControllerのPresentに対してカスタムアニメーションをつけたらブラックアウトしたときの対処法

English Version below https://hopita.hatenablog.com/entry/2018/08/23/212747 はじめに UIViewControllerのモーダル表示presentメソッドに独自アニメーションをつけたら、dismiss時に画面が黒くなった(ブラックアウトした)ときの対処方法です。 UIViewC…